Questions & Answers – Second Call for Proposals

Procedural Questions & Answers

Q1. Do I have to apply in Arabic or English?

A1. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.2.1 Concept Note content, page 24.

Applicants must apply in English.

Q2. If I have already started with the implementation of my project, can it still be financed under the 2nd Call for Proposals?

A2. No, actions that have already started cannot be financed under the 2nd Call for Proposals.

Q3. Are NGOs allowed to participate in the 2nd Call for Proposals if they have already received a grant under the 1st Call for Proposals?

A3. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, subheading “The following types of actions are ineligible under this Call”, last bullet point:

“NGOs that have received a grant under the 1st Call for Proposals are allowed to participate in the 2nd Call for Proposals (even in the same thematical area) but have to submit a different project idea.”

Q4. Are Districts Authorities allowed to apply for a grant under the 2nd Call for Proposals?

A4. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.1. Eligibility of applicants [i.e. applicant and co-applicant(s)], page 7 and 8 (incl. its footnotes).

District Authorities are allowed to participate if they fulfil the requirements as set out in section 2.1.1. However, a District Authority could always be an “Associate” (see section 2.1.3, page 9 and 10).

Q5. What does “Public Sector Operators” mean (mentioned in section 2.1.1 Guidelines for Applicants)?

A5. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.1 Eligibility of applicants (i.e. applicants and co applicant), page 7,

footnote 7: “Public authorities on a national/ministerial level as well as Governorates (incl. all its affiliated sectors falling under its umbrella and not having own legal entity) are not eligible applicants, co-applicants or affiliated entities.

Note: Public Sector Operators” refers to entities that are created through a governmental or public sector decree (e.g. District Authorities and Universities).

Q6. What is the difference between Co-applicant and Affiliated entities?

A6. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.1. Eligibility of applicants [i.e. applicant and co-applicant(s)], page 8, and section 2.1.2. Affiliated entities, page 9.

Q7. Do we have to indicate “contractors or consultants” (section 2.1.3 of the

Guidelines for Applicants) at the very beginning of the project without reviewing the financial and legal rules to choose the best offers (financially and technically)?

A7. Applicants should mention “contractors and/or consultants” in the concept Note when the names of the “contractors and/or consultants” are already known to the Applicant [see Annex A, Application Form, 1.2 Description of the action (max. 1 page), page 5.]

Note: When contracting “contractors and/or consultants” during the implementation of the project Beneficiary(ies) are obliged to obey the rules as set out in Annex IV on “Contract Award Procedures” (see Guidelines for Applicants, DOCUMENTS FOR INFORMATION, page 37).

Q8. Does a project have to work in the 6 lots?

A8. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, Subheading “Sectors or themes”;

A grant may only be awarded if the action relates to one or more of the six thematic areas mentioned in the Guidelines for Applicants. In other words, actions outside of the scope of the six thematic areas are not eligible.

Q9. Which informal area(s) can benefit from the action?

A9. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, Subheading “location”; and Annex X: Maps of Boundaries of the Target Areas.

Q10. Is it allowed to implement a project in subareas of the respective targeted area or do the activities have to comprise the whole area?

A10. Yes, the project can focus on subarea(s) that lie inside of the target area(s).

Q11. Can we carry out project activities outside the target area(s)?

A11. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, Subheading “location”, page 11.

It reads as follows: “… Actions must be for the benefit of the residents of the four informal target areas only. All activities should, primarily, take place in, or within a travel-to-work location of one or more of the four informal areas, in order to facilitate participation by the target groups in the action. …”

Q12. In case of working under two lots (education/ solid waste management) can we implement these two projects in the same area?

A12. Yes, a Beneficiary who successfully applied for two projects can carried out both in the same area.

Q13. How important is a clear project design (incl. correct spelling & grammar)?

A13. A clear project design is very important as you can see from the evaluation grid under section 2.3. EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF APPLICATIONS, page 29. Assessors as well as the evaluation committee will not consider correct spelling and/or grammar. However, language mistakes (especially grammar) might lead to misunderstanding which could negatively affect the evaluation.

Q14. As regards the evaluation of the concept notes (see Section 2.3 on Evaluation and selection of applications) criteria 1.2 reads as follows: “How relevant to the particular needs and constraints of the target country(ies) or region(s) is the proposal (including synergy with other EU initiatives and avoidance of duplication)?” Does “region(s)” refer to the four target area(s)?

A14.  Yes, “region(s)” refers to the four target areas mentioned in the Guidelines for Applicants.

Q15. Can the NGO submit supporting documents with either the Concept Notes or the Full Application?

A15. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:


Subsequent to the assessment of the Full Applications only provisionally selected applicants will be informed in writing by the Contracting Authority to supply the listed supporting documents.

Q16. Can we “hire” final beneficiaries in the project management?

A16. No. According to section 2.1.1 Eligibility of applicants (i.e. applicant and co-applicant(s)), page 7, the Applicant is responsible for the management of the project.

However, final beneficiaries could actively participate during project design and implementation (see Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, Subheading “All Actions mentioned in the lots should”, bullet point 2, page 13.

Q17. How to ensure that the project will sustain environmentally, financially, technically, and administratively?

A17. The applicant should guarantee the sustainability of the action. Applicants will be requested to provide more information about sustainability when submitting the full application.

Q18. If the Concept Note is rejected, will GIZ send us reasons of rejection and our evaluation?

A18. The Contracting Authority (GIZ) will inform the accepted and rejected applicants via a formal letter according to the templates used under the “Practical Guide to Contract Procurement for EU External Actions”: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/prag/document.do

Q19. Will PDP provide additional technical or institutional supportive trainings for NGOs that have been awarded a grant during the implementation phase of their respective projects?

A19. If PDP offers such trainings it will be announced on the PDP website. In all cases PDP will support NGOs awarded grants through monitoring visits. However, NGOs are solely responsible for the realization of the project in terms of finance, content and manpower.

Q26. If there is no co-applicant or affiliated entities should we leave their part empty in the “Checklist for the Concept Note (Annex A Grant Application Form, page 7)?

A26. Yes, you can leave this part in the checklist empty if there is no co-applicant or affiliated entities. However, we recommend to insert the word “-none-“ to demonstrate that you have not have ignored this part.

Q27. According to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants and Annex A Grant Application Form, Applicants have to include an electronic version of the Concept Note on a CD-ROM. Should the documents (incl. the “DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT FOR THE CONCEPT NOTE”) be provided as a word-file or as PDF?

A27. The documents of the electronic version of the Concept Note (CD-ROM) should be a scan of the paper version and send as PDF. However, we ask all Applicants to send all document in word-file, too. Please be aware that the electronic version of the Concept Note must contain exactly the same application as the paper version.

Q28. Should we mention the number of final beneficiaries?

A28. Yes, please mention both the target groups and the number of final beneficiaries in your Concept Note when addressing the “specific objectives” of the proposed project. The number of final beneficiaries can be a realistic estimate. We highly recommend to consult the “Training material on Concept Note writing” (slide 41 ff.) as provided on the PDP-website: http://egypt-urban.net/secondcall/

Q29. If we supplied a governmental medical center with equipment will the ministry of health be considered as a final beneficiary?

A29. According to the definition provided in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (see section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, subsection “Type of Action”, page 11, footnote 12) “Final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the project in the long term. “Final beneficiaries” have to be located within the target areas. If the Ministry of Health is not located in the target but benefits  from the action in the long term, too, it should be mentioned in the Concept Note under 1.3.4. “Particular added-value elements”.

Note: Actions focusing solely on the purchase of equipment are not eligible (see Guidelines for Grant Applicants, section 2.1.4, subsection “The following types of actions are ineligible under this Call”, page 14.)

Q30. Referring to Annex A Grant Application Form, what is the difference between the activities that is written in the summary of action and the description of action?

A30. The “summary of the action” (1 page) is a summary of the most important information of the proposed project. Under “Description of the action” and the “Relevance of the action” applicants are requested to provide more information in detail.

Note: According to the “Instruction for drafting the Concept Notes” applicants should provide the information requested under the each heading, in the order in which it is requested, and in proportion to its relative importance (see the relevant scores set out in the Evaluation Grid and in the Guidelines).

Q31. Can an external consultant help the applicant in writing the Concept note?

A31. We highly recommended applicants to develop their own project idea for various  reasons. One reason is mentioned in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants, section 2.1.4 Eligibility of applicants (page 7): “In order to be eligible for a grant, the applicant must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action…”.

However, the Contract Authority cannot deter applicants to ask a consultant for support in writing the Concept Note.

Q32. Will rejected applicants get a chance to amend their project and apply again?

A32. No, rejected Concept Note holders cannot apply again.

Q33. Could you please mention the main obstacles that faced all Organizations that worked in the 1st call for proposal on the Education lot?

A33. No, unfortunately the Contraction Authority cannot brief Third Parties about the ongoing projects funded under the 1st Call for Proposals at this stage.

Q34. How many proposals each NGO can submit maximally or be funded for?

A34. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, subheading “Number of applications and grants per applicants”, page 20 and 21;

Q35. Does a funded project under the First Call for Proposals effect the chances for funding in Second Call for Proposals?

A35. No, the assessment and evaluation process of the Second Call for Proposal does not take into consideration if a NGO has or has not been awarded a grant under the First Call for Proposals.

Q36. What is the relation between the grant applicant and contractor (suppliers)?

A36. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.3 Associates and Contractors.

The relationship between a Beneficiary and a Contract is based on civil law.

Note: Beneficiary(ies) are obliged to obey the rules as set out in Annex IV on “Contract Award Procedures” whenever signing a contract with a “contractor/consultants” (see Guidelines for Applicants, DOCUMENTS FOR INFORMATION, page 37).

Q37. Could we buy microbuses to transfer people in lower rates in a targeted area and does that considered a project?

A37. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.2.4 Further information about Concept Notes, page 28

“To ensure equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of applicants, affiliated entity(ies), an action or specific activities.”

Note: Actions focusing solely on the purchase of equipment are ineligible (see section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, and here under subheading “The following types of actions are ineligible under this Call”, page 14.)

Q38. Is an employment training project considered eligible under the in the Second Call for Proposals.?

A38. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.2.4 Further information about Concept Notes, page 28

“To ensure equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of applicants, affiliated entity(ies), an action or specific activities.”

Q39. What is the Government’s role in Education?

A39. According to Annex A Grant Application Form, subsection 1.2 “Description of the action” page 5, the Applicant should provide information on the stakeholders groups involved in the proposed action.

Note: The Beneficiary is responsible for the successful implementation of its project. Therefore, the Beneficiary has to inform itself about the role of the stakeholders involved in the project.

Q40. Is it acceptable to build schools at a different governorate?

A40. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, Subheading “location”, page 11; and Annex X: Maps of Boundaries of the Target Areas.

Note: Project focusing on other target area(s) than those mentioned in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants are not eligible.

Q41. What is the EuropeAid ID?

A41. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.2. HOW TO APPLY AND THE PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW, page 23 and 24; or

Annex X Grant Application Form, page 2, footnote 2.

The EuropeAid ID is an identification number that will automatically be assigned to organization that register with PADOR (Potential Applicant Data On-line Registration). However, as mentioned on page 23 of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants, registration in PADOR for this Call for Proposals is not obligatory.

Financial Questions & Answers

Q42. Is it eligible to build and construct a building other than buying it?

A42. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.5 Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included, page 23, Ineligible costs: “Purchases of land or buildings, except where necessary for the direct implementation of the action, in which case ownership must be transferred to the final beneficiaries and/or local Beneficiary(ies), at the latest at the end of the action.”

Q43. Is it difficult to ask for fund from co-applicant for the districts?

A43. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 1.3 Financial allocation provided by the contracting authority, page 6:

“The balance (i.e. the difference between the total eligible cost of the action and the amount requested from the Contracting Authority) must be financed from sources other than the European Union Budget or the European Development Fund.”

It is the Applicants responsibility to either co-finance the project by its own financial means or find a third donor that co-finances the project.

Q44. The remaining € 2.4 million are to be given to previously rejected concept notes or the most successful grant?

A44. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:


Concept Notes that have been rejected will not be funded under the 2nd Call for Proposals.

Note: Project proposals that have not been considered under the Step 1 of the allocation plan will compete for the € 2.4 million allocated according to Step 2. In other words, a project proposal competes firstly with all proposals focusing at the same target area for the € 1.9 million (1 Step, funds per target area). In the case the project proposal has not been considered under Step 1 it automatically competes with all project proposals (of all four target areas) that have also been rejected under Step 1 for the remaining € 2.4 million (2 Step).

Q45. Can we use part of the grant to buy equipment e.g. for schools?

A45. The project may consider purchasing equipment and supplies related to the action. However, actions focusing solely on the purchase of equipment are ineligible (see section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, and here under subheading “The following types of actions are ineligible under this Call”, page 14.

Q46. Is it allowed to have more than one co-applicant in the 20% we have to pay?

A46. Yes.

Q47. Could we import some equipment and materials for the project, e.g. equipment for Solar Energy?

A47. Please refer to ANNEX IV Procurement by grant Beneficiaries in the context of EU external actions: Section 2. ELIGIBILITY FOR CONTRACTS, page 1 ff.

Q48. How can the Contracting Authority ensure that Urban Upgrading Units (UUU) do not interfere in an NGO fund budget?

A48. According to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants one of the Beneficiaries responsibilities is to carry out the action independently including having a separate bank account for the action that is managed independently and not subject to directives [section 2.1.1. Eligibility of applicants (i.e. applicant and co-applicant(s), page 7, incl. footnote 10]. Therefore, UUUs are not allowed to interfere in an NGO fund budget.

Note: Beneficiaries should inform the Contracting Authority if an external entity tries to interfere in an NGO fund budget.

Procedural Questions & Answers

Q49. Could a group of NGOs join forces submitting only one joint project proposal?

A49. Yes, but one NGO has to be the applicant while the other NGOs are co-applicants [see Guidelines for Grant Applicants, section 2.1.1. Eligibility of applicants (i.e. applicant and co-applicant(s)), page 7 and 8.].

Q50. As regards Annex A Grant Application Form “Relevance of the Action”, page 5, could the Contracting Authority please clarify what is meant by No 1.3.1, second point, that reads as follows: Describe the relevance of the action to any specific subthemes/sectors/areas and any other specific requirements stated in the Guidelines for the call, e.g. local ownership etc.”

A50. The Applicant should indicate in its Concept Note the relevance of the action towards the thematic area(s) the project focuses on (Guidelines for Grant Applicants, section 2.1.4. Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, subheading “sectors or themes”, page 10 and 11) and the respective target area(s) in which the project will takes place. In addition, the Applicant should refer to any specific requirements stated in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (e.g. the relevance of the project towards women and youth and/or the participation of the different community groups).

Q51. Is an NGO with a head office outside the targeted area(s) an eligible applicant?

A51. Yes, an NGO with its head office outside the target area(s) can be an eligible applicant if it is established in one of the States (e.g. Egypt) mentioned in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants [section 2.1.1. Eligibility of applicants (i.e. applicant and co-applicant(s)), page 7].

Q52. Could we fund a Center for Rehabilitation of Disabled?

A52. Please refer to Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.2.4 Further information about Concept Notes, page 28

“To ensure equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of applicants, affiliated entity(ies), an action or specific activities.”

Q53. Could we fund transferring public buses to work with Natural gas instead of Gasoline?

A53. Please refer to Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.2.4 Further information about Concept Notes, page 28

“To ensure equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of applicants, affiliated entity(ies), an action or specific activities.”

Q54. Could we implement planting roofs project after taking people approval?

A54. Please refer to Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.2.4 Further information about Concept Notes, page 28

“To ensure equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of applicants, affiliated entity(ies), an action or specific activities.”

Note: Individual sponsorship (e.g. improved sanitation in private households) is not allowed under this Call for Proposals!

Q55. Could we provide young men (12-18) training for handcraft?

A55. Please refer to Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.2.4 Further information about Concept Notes, page 28

“To ensure equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of applicants, affiliated entity(ies), an action or specific activities.”

Note: Actions focusing solely on vocational training or income generation activities is not eligible under this Call for Proposals (see section , subheading “The following types of actions are ineligible under this Call”, page 14)!

Q56. Please specify the terms “special groups” or “special needs”.

A56. The term “special needs” refers to the educational sector, e.g. disabled and illiterate citizens face special educational needs.

The term “special groups” has not been used in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants.

Q57. Could you share with us any successful cases where an intervention successfully improved the performance of teachers and refreshed their knowledge while ensured sustainability of such improvement?

A57. Unfortunately the Contracting Authority cannot provide this information.

Q58. Could we have an assistance from DAAD?

A58. No, the Contracting Authority cannot provide information about DAAD assistance or support options.

Note: Applicants are free to implement a project with a partner organization in accordance with the rules and regulations as set out in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants [section 2.1.1. Eligibility of applicants (i.e. applicant and co-applicant(s)), page 7 and 8.].

Q59. Could we develop transportations without cooperating with Government departments or Urban Upgrading Unit (UUU)?

A59. According to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants [section 2.1.1 Eligibility of applicants (i.e. applicant and co-applicant(s)), page 7], the Applicant is responsible for the management of the project.

Note: As mentioned under “Lot 5: Transportation actions” (section 2.1.4. Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, page 13) actions have to be sustainable as well as coherent with existing services and should form an integral part of the transportation system. Sustainability includes the power or right to enforce the action (e.g. legally installed parking spaces and meters are controlled and maintained according to its purpose during and after the implementation period).” Therefore, it is the Applicant’s duty to inform itself if the project needs to be supported by a local authority for successful implementation and a sustainable effect.

Note: According to Annex A Grant Application Form (subsection 1.2 “Description of the action” page 5) the Applicant should provide information on stakeholdergroups involved in the proposed action.

Q60. Are NGOs allowed to apply for a grant if they have not attended PDP’s training for Concept Notes writing?

A60. Yes, it is not mandatory for NGOs to attend PDP’s “Training for Concept Notes writing” before applying for a grant under this Call for Proposals.

Q61. Could we present a project proposal that was recommended by a third party, e.g. a Governorate?

A61. The Contracting Authority does not approve the origin of the project idea. Therefore, a project proposal that was recommended by a third party can theoretically be submitted by the Applicant, provided no intellectual property rights are violated, and provided the Applicant is capable to implement the project  and fulfils all requirements set out in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants.

However, according to the Guidelines of Grant Applicants (section 2.1.4 Eligibility of applicants, page 7), the Applicant is directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action, even if the project idea was born elsewhere.

Q62. Who is responsible for granting security approvals for NGOs?

A62. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

section 2.1.1 Eligibility of applicants (i.e. applicant and co-applicant(s)), page 7.

Note: Applicant organisations that are registered in Egypt and awarded funding under this Call for Proposals must obtain the needed approvals from Ministry of Social Solidarity MOSS to receive an external fund. It is the organisation’s own responsibility to get the approval by MOSS.

Q63. What are the geographic borders for Ain-Shams area?

A63. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, Subheading “location”; and Annex X: Maps of Boundaries of the Target Areas

Q64. Why did the Contracting Authority not announce the awarded projects of the First Call for Proposals in order to not repeat the projects ideas?

A64. The awarded Beneficiaries of the First Call for Proposals have been published on the PDP website: http://egypt-urban.net/first-call-for-proposals/

Due to intellectual property rights the Contraction Authority is not allowed to publish project proposal of Beneficiaries. However, the Contracting Authority will try to publish a short summary of the awarded action on the PDP website before the 1st October 2014.

Q65. If the consultant is a private company, could that company print its logo in the printings of the project?

A65. Contracted consultants are allowed to put its logo on all documents created by themselves to demonstrate their intellectual property rights.

Note: All documents created by the Beneficiary and financed by the Second Call for Proposals should show the EU-logo according the visibility rules as set out in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (section 2.1.4. Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, subheading “Visibility”, page 20).

Q66. How can Urban Upgrading Units (UUU) be encouraged to cooperate in the implementation process of a project?

A66. Urban Upgrading Units (UUU) have been established in different public departments mainly for monitoring purposes. However, at this stage the Contracting Authority cannot give a clear indication about the possible engagement of the UUUs.

Q67. What are the evaluation criteria for selecting a project?

A67. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:


Q68. Do  regional federations of national associations have the right to apply for the grant?

A68. Please refer to Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.1. Eligibility of applicants [i.e. applicant and co-applicant(s)], page 7 and 8 (incl. its footnotes).

Q69. Can the Contracting Authority facilitate the communication between NGOs and potential governmental partners?

A69. No, the Contracting Authority cannot facilitate the communication between Beneficiaries and potential governmental partners.

Note: The Beneficiary is responsible for the successful implementation of its project. Therefore, the Beneficiary has to inform itself about the role of the stakeholders involved in the project.

Q70. If the NGO implements a project in more than one lot should we fill one concept note for one lot or a separated concept note for each lot?

A70. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:


“Note: Proposals should only be assigned to 1 (one) lot! If a proposal includes components that fall under different lots it should be assigned according to its main focus.”

Q71. Is there a specific period for the project to end (end of implementation period)?

A71. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, Sub-heading “Duration”, page 10.

The duration of a project may not be lower than 6 months nor exceed 24 months. Therefore, a project has to be implemented maximum within 24 months after signing the grant contract.

Note: According to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants the Contracting Authority and/or any external body authorised by the Contracting Authority is authorised to conduct an ex post evaluation on the impact and sustainability  of the action. Therefore, with the end of a project (end of implementation period) the legal relationship between the Beneficiary and the Contracting Authority still lasts.

Q72. What is the meaning of “sustainability of projects”?

A72. There is no common definition of “sustainability”. Sustain can mean “maintain”, “support”, or “endure”. In this Call for Proposals “sustainability of projects” means that the positive impact projects have on the target groups and final beneficiary does not stop once the project ended. The positive changes the project accomplished to make should be maintained as long as possible.

Procedural Questions & Answers

Q73. Referring to Annex A Grant Application Form page 7, do Applicants have to complete the checklist manually (using a pen) or electronically?

A73. The checklist can be completed in both ways manually or electronically.

Note: In all cases the Applicant has to sign the original “Declaration by the Applicant for the Concept Note” (page 9, 10). In addition and in accordance to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (section 2.2.2. Where and how to send Concept Notes, page 25) the Applicant must submit the Concept Note in hard copy (one original and two copies) and as an electronic version (CD-ROM).

Q74. Are “Associates” considered to be “third-party beneficiary”?

A74.  No, an Associate is not considered to be a “third-party Beneficiary”. Unlike the target group and/or the final beneficiaries an “Associate” is not intended to benefit from the grant contract that has been signed between the Beneficiary and the Contracting Authority.

Q75. What is the role of an “Associate”?

A75. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.3. Associates and Contractors, page 9 and 10.

It reads as follows: “Other organisations may be involved in the action. Such associates play a real role in the action but may not receive funding from the grant, with the exception of per diem or travel costs. Associates do not have to meet the eligibility criteria referred to in section 2.1.1. Associates must be mentioned in Part B section 6 – ‘Associates of the Applicant participating in the Action’ – of the Grant Application Form.”

Note: A project partner that plays a real role in the action (meaning participation in designing and implementation of the action) but cannot be considered a co-applicant or an affiliated entity should be classified as an “Associate”.

Note: An “Associate” cannot be a “Contractor” in the project.

Q76. Which rules apply if an “Associate” purchases equipment?

A76. According the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (section 2.1.3.Associates and Contractors, page 9) Associates may not receive funding from the grant, with the exception of per diem or travel costs. Therefore, equipment bought by an Associate is not considered as an eligible cost, with the effect that no specific procurement rules apply either whenever an Associate purchases equipment.

Q77. Is a Beneficiary allowed to provide solar heating in private school if there are no public schools in the designated area(s)?

A77. No, individual sponsorship (e.g. private houses or private schools) is not allowed under this Call for Proposals!

Q78. Can we set a recycling unit outside the designated area that serves beneficiaries from the designated area?

A78. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, Subheading “location”, page 11.

It reads as follows: “All activities carried out under the Actions should, primarily, take place in, or within a travel-to-work location of one or more of the four informal areas, in order to facilitate participation by the target groups in the action. There should be sound practical reasons for situations in which activities are not implemented in the eligible areas”.

However, final beneficiaries should only be from the four informal target areas.

Q79. To guarantee sustainability after the end of the project could a Beneficiary that implements an infrastructure project receive an official authorization that allows him for an adequate fee to provide the necessary service delivery to maintaining the infrastructure during a specific duration (e.g. 5-10 years)?

A79. The Contracting Authority is not allowed to provide such official authorizations. However, the Contracting Authority recommends Beneficiaries to involve necessary stakeholders that could support the Beneficiary in its effort to sustain the project once it has ended.

Note: Generating income through project activities (e.g. fees) is only allowed if it is reinvested for the project and does not lead to profit (non-profit rule).

Q80. In the case that a Beneficiary has to rent a suitable property within the target area first in order to implement the project does he have to indicate the exact location of this property already in the Concept Note?

A80. Applicants who do not know the exact location of their project at the time of submitting the Concept Note should try to narrow the possible zones as far as possible. Ideally, the Applicant should mention the exact location in the Concept Note.

Q81. Is it allowed to carry out a project that mainly focuses on male youth?

A81. Due to the fact that the Second Call for Proposals has a strong emphasize on women, youth and gender as crosscutting issues it is still possible to receive a grant for a project that solely focuses on male youth provided there are very good arguments for this approach.

Financial Questions & Answers

82. Is the project budget required when submitting the Concept Note?

A82. At the Concept Note stage the budget is not required. According to Annex A Grant Application Form (1.1 Summary of the Action, page 4) only the “EU financing requested (amount)” and the “EU financing requested as a percentage of total budget of the Action (indicative)” has to be indicated.

Note: Take into consideration that the final GIZ/EU contribution may not vary from the initial estimate in the concept note by more than 20 % (see Guidelines for Grant Applicants section 2.2.1 Concept Note content, page 24).

Q83. Can UUUs or the Ministry of Environment provide the 20% co-financing through activities, seminars or equipment.

A83. Please be aware that the co-financing has to be provided in cash by whomsoever (e.g. Beneficiary, Co-applicant, Third Donor). Therefore, in kind contributions (e.g. provided equipment by a third party) are not considered to be co-financing.

Note: Actions for which the Applicant is already receiving funding (e.g. from the governmental budget) are not eligible under this Call for Proposals (see Guidelines for Grant Applicants section 2.1.4. Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, subheading “The following types of actions are ineligible under this Call”, page 14).

Q84. What type of in kind contributions shall not be counted in the budget?

A84. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.5. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included, subheading “Contribution in kind”, page 23).

It reads as follows: “Contributions in kind mean the provision of goods or services to a Beneficiary(ies) or affiliated entity(ies)  free of charge by a third party. As contributions in kind do not involve any expenditure for a Beneficiary(ies) or affiliated entity(ies), they are not eligible costs. Contributions in kind may not be treated as co-financing.”

However, if the description of the Action as proposed includes contributions in kind, the contributions have to be made but will not be considered as a part from the co-financing of the Applicants.

Q85. Can a Beneficiary use parts of the grant value to buy equipment  for schools?

A85. The project may consider purchasing only the equipment and supplies related to the action.

Note: Actions focusing solely on the purchase of equipment are not eligible (see Guidelines for Grant Applicants, section 2.1.4, subsection “The following types of actions are ineligible under this Call”, page 14).

Q86. Is it possible to have more than one Donor contributing to the 20% co-financing means?

A86. Yes, it is allowed to have more than one Donor contributing to the co-financing means.

Q87. Are experts hired for the project considered as “Associates”, especially those who are hired as freelancers?

A87. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.3. Associates and Contractors, page 9 and 10.

Note: Project staff belong to the human resource of the Beneficiary and are not considered to be condidered as  “Associates”.

Q88.  Are there any thresholds (maximum percentage) in the different budget lines?

A88. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.5 Eligible direct costs, page 22.

It reads as follows: “Furthermore, limitations apply in relation to some specific budget lines:

  • Personnel’s salary costs should not exceed 20% of the total value of the budget;
  • Cost of visibility activities should reach a minimum of 1% but should not exceed 3% of the total value of the budget;
  • Costs for monitoring and evaluating activities should not exceed 3% of the total value of the budget;
  • In the case the applicant applies for a grant of more than € 100 000 an amount of 2% of the total value of the budget has to be indicated in the Budget (ANNEX B) to cover the costs for expenditure verification(s) referred to in Article 15.7 of the General Conditions to the Standard Grant Contract.


Q89. What procurement rules apply?

A89. According to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (page 37) please refer to Annex IV: Contract Award Procedures.

Q90. Is it possible that the Contracting Authority makes a simple practical training on financial costs?

A90. The Contracting Authority will  provide practical training on financial costs for those Concept Notes holder who have been selected to proceed in the next round of the selection process (full application procedures).

Q91. Is it possible that the 20% co-financing part will cover only one item of the budget?

A91. No, this is not allowed. The GIZ/EU finances a specific percentage of the total eligible costs rather than a particular part of the Action. The same rule applies for the co-financing part.

Q92. Is using PCs’ and hiring staff considered part of indirect expenses (7% percentage)?

A92. Please refer to Article 14.7 of Annex II: General conditions.

Q93. Is it allowed to buy cars?

A93. The project may consider purchasing only the equipment and supplies related to the action and necessary for carrying out project activities.

Note: Actions focusing solely on the purchase of equipment are not eligible (see Guidelines for Grant Applicants, section 2.1.4, subsection “The following types of actions are ineligible under this Call”, page 14)

Q94. Do Beneficiaries have to pay tax?

A94. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.5. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included, subheading “Ineligible costs”, page 23, footnote 26. It reads as follows: “The Contracting Authority will provide the Beneficiary(ies) with an official letter that exempt actions under this Call for Proposals from paying tax”. Therefore, projects are exempted from sales taxes.

Q95. Can a NGO still apply for a grant if it cannot provide the 20% co-financing means but if it instead could present a very good feasibility study?

A95. The co-financing means have to be provided entirely in cash. According to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (section 2.1.5. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included, subheading “Contribution in kind”, page 23) it is clearly mentioned that “Contributions in kind may not be treated as co-financing”.

Note: All rules and regulations concerning this Call for Proposals listed in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants must be respected. In all cases any grant requested under this Call for Proposals must fall between Minimum percentages: 50 % of the total eligible costs of the action and Maximum percentage: 80 % of the total eligible costs of the action (see also Section 2.1.5 of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants).

Q96. Are expenditures for technicians and cleaning workers included in the 20% threshold for project personnel?

A96. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.5. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included, subheading “Eligible direct costs”, page 21.

It reads as follows:  “Personnel’s salary costs should not exceed 20% of the total value of the budget”.

Note: The 20% rate of “Personnel’s salary costs” refers to direct personnel costs.

Note: If the case arises where the 20% percentage of “Personnel’s salary costs” is exceeded (e.g. for projects with a main training component) it must be justified in detail (see footnote 24 of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants).

Q97. Is it required to present previous budgets from NGO?

A97. At the concept note stage: No.

Q98. Is it required that the NGO has been awarded a grants before?

A98. No, but an applicant needs to demonstrate financial and institutional capacity

Q99. Can the 20% co-financing contribution be paid in payments?

A99. Yes, theoretically this is possible. The Contracting Authority will provide more information on this issue at a later stage during the full application procedure.

Q100. Will the awarded grant be paid in Euro or Egyptian Pounds?

A100. The awarded grant will be paid in Euro.

Q101. What is the meaning of ineligible costs?

A101. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.5. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included, subheading “Ineligible costs”, page 23.

In other words, all expenditures that cannot be funded under this Call for Proposals are ineligible and have to be financed by the Beneficiary in addition to the provided co-financing means.

Q102. Referring to budget line one of the Annex B Budget what type of expenditures are covered under “human resources”?

A102. Under “human resources” gross salaries should be taken into consideration (salaries including social insurance and income taxes), while bonuses and any other benefits are not eligible.

Note: The 20% rate of “Personnel’s salary costs” as set out in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (section 2.1.5. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included, subheading “Eligible direct costs”, page 21) refers to gross salaries.

Q103. Where should the 5% contingency reserve be used for/spent?

A103. The 5% contingency reserve mentioned in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (section 2.1.5. Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included, subheading “Contingency reserve”, page 22 and 23) can be used to enforce an already existing budget line under the direct costs of the action. However, contingency reserve can only be used with the prior written authorisation of the Contracting Authority.

Q104. Is it allowed to build and construct a building other than buying it?

A104. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.5 Eligibility of costs: costs that can be included, subheading “Ineligible costs”:

It reads as follows: “Purchases of land or buildings, except where necessary for the direct implementation of the action, in which case ownership must be transferred to the final beneficiaries and/or local Beneficiary(ies), at the latest at the end of the action.”

Q105. Is it demanded from the organization to put their financial contribution in the bank account in cash?

A105. The co-finance must be in cash and should be shown in the project’s separate bank account.

Q106. The co-financing contribution from the NGO should be made in which currency in the bank account?

A106. The co-financing contribution part can be made in EGP or EURO.

Q107. Does the 20% financial contributions have to be paid in advance or during carrying out project activities?

A107. The financial co-financing part has to be paid during carrying out project activities. It is recommended that co-financing means are spent according to the so called “pari-passu rules”, meaning that expenditures should be financed by using EU-funds and co-financing means at the same time in accordance to their quote. (e.g. if a project is financed by the EU with 70% and by 30% co-financing means an expenditure with a value of 100 EUROs should be paid by using 70 EUROs from the EU funding and 30 EUROs from the co-financing means.).

Q108. What is the situation if there are ineligible expenses?

A108. All ineligible expenses shall not be considered as a part of the total eligible costs funded by the GIZ/EU and the Grant Beneficiary.

Q109. Are we allowed to add the salary of our co-applicant who provides a training in the budget line of the Beneficiary, respecting the 20% rule for personnel’s salary costs as set out in the Guidelines for Applicants (page 22)?

A109. Yes, only one budget has to be completed  when sending the full application (incl. “human resources”). Therefore, this includes the salary of the co-applicants employee working for the project.  The 20% rule for personnel’s salary costs comprises both the salary of the applicant and the co-applicant.

Q110. According to “Step 1” of the allocation plan as set out in the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (section 1.3. Financial allocation provided by the contracting authority) an amount of 0.3 million € is allocated to Lot 4 “Recreation and Youth” per target area. At the same time the maximum “Size of Grant” under Lot 4 is 0.3 million €, too. Does this mean that EU-funding can be granted for one project only in lot 4?

A110. According to the allocation rules of “Step 1” it is possible that only one project will be awarded a grant under lot 4 if the selected project (the project with the highest score from assessors’ evaluation) has asked for the maximum size of grant, meaning 0.3 million €. However, all other project ideas submitted and falling under lot 4 that have not been awarded a grant under “Step 1” will automatically compete for a grant under “Step 2”. Therefore, all qualified project proposals have two chances to receive a grant under this Call for Proposals, firstly under “Step 1” and – if rejected – secondly under “Step 2”.

Q111. Do Beneficiaries have to abide by the “Rule of origin” in this Call for Proposals and is important to be known before writing the Concept Notes to make sure that the expenses are estimated accurately.

A111. Yes, the “Rule of origin” abides by this Call for Proposals [see Article 2.2 of Annex IV: Standard Award Procedures and refer to section 2.3.1 of the Practical Guide for European Union External Actions, (PRAG)].

Q112. What are buying terms for over EGP 50,000 materials?

A112. Please refer to Annex IV: Standard Award Procedures.

Q113. Why can financial means coming from income generation activities not be included in the Organization’s financial contribution?

A113. Please refer to Article 17 and it is Sub-articles (17.3 – 17.7) of Annex II: General Conditions (rule of “non-profit”).

Note: Generating income through project activities (e.g. fees) is only allowed if it is reinvested for the project and does not lead to profit (non-profit rule).

Procedural Questions & Answers

Q114. Referring to Annex X Maps of Boundaries of the target area(s), do the blue colored streets that define the borders of the target area belong to the target area (e.g. Ain Shams: Ahmed Esmat st., Ahmed Orabi st., Abou El Fotouh Abdallah st., etc.).

A114. The border of the target area(s) is defined by the center line of the blue colored streets as shown in Annex X Maps of Boundaries of the Target Areas. Only buildings, streets or any features inside this border form part of the target area(s).

Note: According to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants (section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, Subheading “location”, page 11) actions must be – wholly and solely – for the benefit of the residents who reside within the boundaries of the four informal target areas only.

Note: All activities should, primarily, take place in, or within a travel-to-work location of one or more of the four informal areas, in order to facilitate participation by the target groups in the action. There should be sound practical reasons for situations in which activities are not implemented in the eligible areas.

Q115. If an Applicant identifies potential contractors and indicates their names in the Application (Concept Note and/ or Full Application) does it still have to obey the procurement rules before actually contracting them?

A115. Yes, the indication of potential Contractors in the Concept Note and/or Full Application is for information purposes only but does not exempt the Beneficiary from the procurement rules.

Q116. Is it allowed that the same person working for two different Applicants signs both Grant Contracts if both Applicants will been selected to receive a grant under this Call for Proposals?

A116. Theoretically this would be allowed. However, the person has to be assigned as legal representative by both Applicants.

Note: In the more likely case that a grant will be awarded to an Applicant that carries out the project with co-applicant(s) there is only one person from the Beneficiary’s side (the “Coordinator”) that signs the Grant Contract. The Coordinator signs the Grant Contract also on behalf of the co-applicants, who, therefore, do not need to individually sign it to become parties to it (see “Role of the Coordinator”: Annex II General Conditions, in particular Article 1.6).

Q117. Could the Contracting Authority inform us if our organization is considered to be an eligible Applicant under the Second Call for Proposals?

A117. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.2.4 Further information about Concept Notes, page 28

“To ensure equal treatment of applicants, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of applicants, affiliated entity(ies), an action or specific activities.”

Q118. Regarding the submission of the Concept Note am I allowed to delete the instructions (as well as additional information e.g. “Contents” on page 3) as provided in the Annex A Grant Application Form?

A118. Yes, Applicants are allowed to delete the instructions for drafting the Concept Note as provided in the Annex A Grant Application Form.

Note: Applicants are requested to provide accurate information as asked for under each heading [e.g. 1.2 Description of the action (max 1 page)] and under each subheadings [e.g. 1.3.1. Relevance to the objectives/sectors/themes/specific priorities of the call for proposals].

Note: The before mentioned headings and subheading are not considered to be instructions and should be kept in the Concept Note (while the text below each heading and subheading are instructions that should be deleted due to the limited space).

Financial Questions & Answers

Q119. Can this Call for Proposals award a grant for a governmental planned project that has not yet started if financial means are already earmarked in the government’s budget?

A119. Please refer to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants:

Section 2.1.4 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made, subheading “The following types of actions are ineligible under this Call”, page 14.

The respective bullet point reads as follows: “Actions for which the applicant is already receiving funding e.g. from the governmental budget” is considered ineligible under this Call for Proposals.

Q120. Can the Contracti Authority transfer funds to the international NGO bank account (instead of an Egyptian bank account) if the Beneficiary’s head quarter is located in Europe?

A120. It is recommended and more likely that the international NGO uses a local bank account in Egypt. However, special cases and requests as such will require further investigation and study from our side.


European Union German Cooperation GIZ Ministry of Urban Renewal and Informal Settlements